Wow. I cannot believe HH is already out in the world. I had such a hard time letting go of this book–this town–that I never wanted to leave! This is my first time (published) in fantasy, and I'm a goner for it. It's the reason why we read, right? To be sucked into another life that only could happen among pages, to escape the mundane reality, to believe in magic again, the creativity, the depth of our imagination, even if it's only for a short while. And I hope I've done that for you.
I had a few goals going into this book. I wanted my freedom, but I also made sure to not betray my characters, the language I've chosen to use, and the town. Julian and Fallon were very hard for me at first for a few reasons, but one was that they were both very secretive & private people. Writing their intimate scenes, which I normally love to write, felt as if I was intruding. This has never happened to me before, but as I got to know them, I realized it was because of who they were. These two were so very different from Ollie and Mia. So I stayed true to their characters, respectively. And I don't regret it one bit.
"And Then there's Fallon." The moon girl who could see the dead. There is something about having the ability to talk to and see those who have passed on. For most of Fallon's life, her only friends were the ghosts who visited her, and I could only imagine the stories and truths she had to hear.
But the first thing that comes to mind are the regrets ghosts live with, which was why Fallon chose to live with none. And for that reason, Fallon also forgave quickly. It felt as if a part of me grew up with Fallon through this book. Like we were childhood friends. At twenty-four, some may say her decisions, thoughts, and overall vibe seemed childish, but that's because ... they were. I felt for Fallon. She was an old soul who never got to experience anything because of always being the outcast. All these feelings were so new to her, but she was also the strongest one in the book to me. She never caved, always stood her ground, and never stopped asking questions or allowing fear to consume her. She also surprised me, not being a typical gothic girl, wearing laced up boots and working at a morgue in this gothic romance book. She was into designer clothes, shoes, and always did her makeup, which is so unlike me. But Fallon had always been desperate to fit in, to be accepted. Until she found a home within her bones. I just adore her.
Julian Blackwell, another misunderstood character. But by the town. If you have read my acknowledgements, you'd know it was Frankenstein that was the biggest inspiration for Julian's character. A monster who's killed but always had heart. He only ever wanted to be understood by another and do right by his people and coven. For majority of the book, Julian stood between a rock and a hard place, in constant torment between what he'd been told was right and wrong for his entire life, as well as fighting the darkness which ran thick in his blood.
When it comes down to it, I'm just so in love with this book and beyond proud to have conquered centuries of history into only 464 pages, bringing the best book one I could write as a foundation for the rest of the collection. It was hard as hell, but so worth it in the end. I've learned a lot about myself as an author and person through writing this book. It has given me a lot in return, and I never strayed from the kind of writer I want to be, always staying true to myself.
To the Monster & Freak and so many more books coming in the future. Here is to a brand new series!