Celebrating 5 Years of Publishing

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Celebrating 5 Years of Publishing

Dear you—

For what it's worth, the place you're in is no coincidence. Becoming an author was never supposed to be a passionate one-night stand but a life-long entanglement, with an unquenchable medium starving for your attention. One to compete with every relationship, every desire, every second of your time. And more times than not, over the last five years, this love affair was always what you chose whenever the option presented itself, but it never went without consequence. After all your hard work, after suffering from sacrifices, you're less than where you wanted to be five years ago, but you're so much more yourself than you've ever been. 

So, don't beat yourself up over it. 

And, dear you, stop feeling guilty for all that you did accomplish.

It’s something worth celebrating.

No one found happiness while chasing misery or found themselves when traveling someone else's path. No one found joy in anger, peace in stress, or lived from holding their breath. You've believed in yourself and found hope scattered across the stars. More importantly, by looking upward and onward, you've made it this far. 

This didn't happen to you, this happened because of you.

As Picasso said, the quote in which you turn to, the one above your desk, is this: the meaning of life is to find your gift; the purpose of life is to give it away. So, at this moment, you're exactly where you need to be because you’ve fought for it endlessly.

For this reason, dear you, I'm proud of you. 

One day, the time for one of your stories will come.



Now go eat your cake and celebrate!

Happy 5th anniversary, 










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Love your books. I can’t wait for the next one.


Happy 5 years!!! Forever thankful I found you and your books 🫶🏻

~ Lia

I am so thankful that I have been able to be a part of your journey and thankful for your words. Happy 5th Anniversary.

Melissa Heath

I love the world you created and I’m so honored to be able to be a part of it 🫶🏻


I will forever want to celebrate you and the joy you and your books bring to my life! I am thankful for you every day 🫶🏻


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